Watch: Captain Sandy Yawn Raids Below Deck Med’s Crew Cabins
Watch: Captain Sandy Yawn Raids Below Deck Med’s Crew Cabins
Fans of the Below Deck franchise know how hard the crews work during the charter season. They work long hours and live in tiny crew cabins. They have to be careful not to allow clutter to accumulate.
Captain Sandy Yawn of Below Deck Mediterranean decided to do an impromptu inspection of the crew cabins, ranking them on their tidiness (or lack of). Let’s see what she found.
Captain Sandy Yawn does a surprise cabin inspection
First up is Chief Stew Aesha Scott, who shares a cabin with deckhand Gael Cameron. After showing off her tiny upper bunk and how she and Gael squeeze in for a friendly cuddle before bed, Aesha gives Sandy a tour. Sandy’s pleased to note that their bathroom is clean. Even though she rates Aesha’s tour a ten, she only gives the cabin a seven. “It’s a little messy,” Sandy says.
Next up is Nathan Gallagher and Joe Bradley’s cabin. These boys are busy deckhands whose job is to keep the outside of the boat looking spotless. Sadly, their cabin, not so much. Sandy can barely get the door open, there’s “so much crap” blocking it. She’s not pleased to find empty beer bottles in their cabin, leftover from a crew night off.
“What is wrong with you?” asks Aesha, while Nathan tries to look indignant.
Sandy notices a cluttered shelf next to the top bunk, which Nathan admits is his. She’s appalled to see a 110 electrical outlet right next to a bottle of water. But she is surprisingly happy to see Nathan’s clothes neatly folded in his drawers. “I folded them for you!” Joe says. At least Joe’s drawers are neater than his love life.
“If I walk into that bathroom, do I need a mask?” Sandy asks, only half joking.
“You’d need a full body [hazmat] suit,” Joe responds. It’s pretty messy: shoes on the floor, clutter everywhere. But Nathan proudly points out that the mirror and the taps are both polished.
Sandy rates the boys’ cabin a zero!
Ellie gets in a “quick clean” before inspection

Next up is the junior stews’ cabin. Ellie sees them coming and tries to sneak in a quick vacuum. Elena Dubaich and Carrie O’Neill are roommates.
When Sandy notices how nicely the bed is made, both she and Aesha are suspicious that Ellie quickly made it, knowing they were coming. But Sandy’s impressed by the neatness of their drawers and tells Aesha their bathroom “is cleaner than yours.”
When Ellie confesses that she cleaned everything in “4.5 minutes,” Aesha says, “This whole thing is a lie, Sandy. This is not her life … I rate this cabin a nine, but we’re taking away two because you did a quick clean, so it’s not a true reflection of how you live.”
Chef Jonathan “Jono” Shillingford is next. He shares a cabin with the other junior stew, Bri Muller. Jono’s very tidy. Chef Jono rates a 9.5 on his cabin. I’m not surprised he’s so clean. He works in food prep, after all.
His cabinmate Bri isn’t so neat. Her closet is a mess, even though she claims she “cleaned it this morning.” Sandy must be feeling lenient because Bri also gets a nine.
Last is the Bosun, Iain Maclean. Sandy calls Iain a “minimalist.” He gets a nine.
When Aesha says, “We haven’t seen your cabin, Sandy,” the Captain says, “Come on in,” then slams the door in Aesha’s face. “Mine’s a 25!” she says. But then, she’s got stews making her bed and probably cleaning up after her, too.